Create a device provider

Developing a device provider for AyBorg allows the creation and management of devices, such as cameras or other hardware peripherals. This guide will walk you through the general process of implementing a device provider, using the interfaces provided by AyBorg SDK.


  • Familiarity with C# programming language
  • .NET 7+ installed on your machine
  • An IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, or Visual Studio Code)

Implementing device provider class

Create a class implementing IDeviceProvider, encapsulating the functionalities of the device provider.

Provider properties

Define the properties for the provider:

  • Prefix: A unique prefix for identifying the provider.
  • CanCreate: A flag to indicate whether the provider can create devices.
  • Name: The provider’s name.
  • Categories: The collection of categories associated with the provider.

Device creation method

  • CreateAsync: Implement this method to create a device instance based on a given ID, returning it asynchronously.

(Optional) Initialization using IAfterInitialized interface

If you need to perform any initialization, such as discovering available camera devices on the network, you can implement the IAfterInitialized interface:

public interface IAfterInitialized
    ValueTask AfterInitializedAsync();

This interface provides the AfterInitializedAsync method, which is called once during initialization, allowing you to perform necessary preparations before the provider starts running.

Example implementation

using AyBorg.SDK.Common;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace AyBorg.Plugins.ImageTorque;

public sealed class VirtualDeviceProvider : IDeviceProvider
    private readonly ILogger<VirtualDeviceProvider> _logger;
    private readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
    private readonly IEnvironment _environment;

    public string Prefix => "AyBV";

    public bool CanCreate => true;

    public string Name => "Virtual Devices";

    public IReadOnlyCollection<string> Categories { get; } = new List<string> { DefaultDeviceCategories.Camera, "Virtual Device" };

    public VirtualDeviceProvider(ILogger<VirtualDeviceProvider> logger, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IEnvironment environment)
        _logger = logger;
        _loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
        _environment = environment;

    public async ValueTask<IDevice> CreateAsync(string id)
        var device = new VirtualDevice(_loggerFactory.CreateLogger<VirtualDevice>(), _environment, id);
        _logger.LogTrace((int)EventLogType.Plugin, "Added virtual device '{id}'", id);
        return await ValueTask.FromResult(device);


This guide outlines the general approach to developing a device provider for AyBorg. By following these guidelines and adapting them to your specific device type, you can create a custom device provider that integrates seamlessly with AyBorg.

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