Create a camera device

This guide is focused on developing camera device plugins for AyBorg, covering the essential public interface methods required for implementing a camera device. While the principles can be applied to different types of camera devices, the guide is targeted at general camera device development.


  • Familiarity with C# programming language
  • .NET 7+ installed on your machine
  • An IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, or Visual Studio Code)

Import the necessary namespaces for camera devices

using AyBorg.SDK.Common;
using AyBorg.SDK.Common.ImageAcquisition;
using AyBorg.SDK.Common.Ports;

Implementing camera device class

Create a class implementing ICameraDevice, encapsulating the functionalities of the camera device.

Implementing device properties

Define properties essential for the device:

Id: A unique identifier for the device.
Manufacturer: The manufacturer’s name.
IsConnected: The connection status.
Ports: The collection of the device’s ports.
Name: The device’s name.
Categories: The collection of categories associated with the device.

Handling image acquisition

AcquisitionAsync: A method that retrieves an image asynchronously according to the device’s internal logic.

Connection management

These methods are responsible for managing the device’s connection state:

TryConnectAsync: A method that attempts to connect to the device, handling success or failure appropriately. TryDisconnectAsync: A method that attempts to disconnect from the device, handling success or failure appropriately. Port Management TryUpdateAsync: A method to update the values of ports, handling synchronization with existing ports.

Example implementation

using AyBorg.SDK.Common;
using AyBorg.SDK.Common.ImageAcquisition;
using AyBorg.SDK.Common.Ports;
using ImageTorque;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace AyBorg.Plugins.ImageTorque;

public sealed class VirtualDevice : ICameraDevice, IDisposable
    private readonly ILogger<VirtualDevice> _logger;
    private readonly IEnvironment _environment;
    private readonly FolderPort _folderPort = new("Folder", PortDirection.Input, string.Empty);
    private static readonly string[] s_supportedFileTypes = new[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp" };
    private int _imageIndex = 0;
    private Task<ImageContainer>? _preloadTask;
    private string _lastFolderPath = string.Empty;
    private ImageContainer? _lastImageContainer;
    private long _imageCounter;
    private bool _isDisposed = false;

    public string Id { get; }

    public string Manufacturer => "Source Alchemists";

    public bool IsConnected { get; private set; }

    public IReadOnlyCollection<IPort> Ports { get; }

    public string Name { get; }

    public IReadOnlyCollection<string> Categories { get; } = new List<string> { DefaultDeviceCategories.Camera, "Virtual Device" };

    public VirtualDevice(ILogger<VirtualDevice> logger, IEnvironment environment, string id)
        _logger = logger;
        _environment = environment;
        Id = id;
        Name = $"Virtual Device ({id})";

        Ports = new List<IPort> { _folderPort };

    public async ValueTask<ImageContainer> AcquisitionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (_preloadTask == null)
            _preloadTask = PreloadImageAsync();
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lastFolderPath) && !_lastFolderPath.Equals(_folderPort.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            // File path changed while preloading a image
            await _preloadTask;
            _preloadTask = PreloadImageAsync();

        _lastFolderPath = _folderPort.Value;

        _lastImageContainer = await _preloadTask;
        _preloadTask = PreloadImageAsync();
        return _lastImageContainer;

    public ValueTask<bool> TryConnectAsync()
            _preloadTask = PreloadImageAsync();
            IsConnected = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), ex, "Failed to connect to virtual device");
            IsConnected = false;

        return ValueTask.FromResult(IsConnected);

    public ValueTask<bool> TryDisconnectAsync()
            IsConnected = false;
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), ex, "Failed to disconnect from virtual device");
            IsConnected = true;

        return ValueTask.FromResult(!IsConnected);

    public async ValueTask<bool> TryUpdateAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<IPort> ports)
        bool prevConnected = IsConnected;
        if (IsConnected && !await TryDisconnectAsync())
            _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), "Failed disconnecting virtual device");
            return false;

        foreach (IPort port in ports)
            IPort? targetPort = Ports.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id.Equals(port.Id) && p.Brand.Equals(port.Brand));
            if (targetPort == null)
                _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), "Port {PortId} not found", port.Id);


        if (prevConnected && !await TryConnectAsync())
            _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), "Failed connecting virtual device");
            return false;

        _logger.LogTrace(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), "Updated virtual device");
        return true;

    private Task<ImageContainer> PreloadImageAsync()
        return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            string absolutPath = Path.GetFullPath($"{_environment.StorageLocation}{_folderPort.Value}");
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(absolutPath);
            IEnumerable<string> supportedFiles = files.Where(f => s_supportedFileTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Order();
            string[] imageFileNames = supportedFiles.ToArray();
            if (imageFileNames.Length == 0)
                _logger.LogWarning(new EventId((int)EventLogType.Plugin), "No images found in folder {folder}", _folderPort.Value);
                return null!;

            if (_imageIndex >= imageFileNames.Length)
                _imageIndex = 0;

            string imageFileName = imageFileNames![_imageIndex];
            var image = Image.Load(imageFileName);
            imageFileName = imageFileName.Replace(_environment.StorageLocation, string.Empty);
            imageFileName = imageFileName.Replace('\\', '/');
            return new ImageContainer(image, _imageCounter++, imageFileName);

    public void Dispose()

    private void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
        if(isDisposing && !_isDisposed)
            _isDisposed = true;


By following these guidelines and utilizing AyBorg’s SDK, developers can create a versatile and robust camera device plugin for AyBorg. These principles can be adapted to different types of camera implementations.

See also